Source code for proxy.http.server.web

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    ⚡⚡⚡ Fast, Lightweight, Pluggable, TLS interception capable proxy server focused on
    Network monitoring, controls & Application development, testing, debugging.

    :copyright: (c) 2013-present by Abhinav Singh and contributors.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import re
import time
import socket
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union, Pattern, Optional

from .plugin import HttpWebServerBasePlugin
from ..parser import HttpParser, httpParserTypes
from ..plugin import HttpProtocolHandlerPlugin
from .protocols import httpProtocolTypes
from ..exception import HttpProtocolException
from ..protocols import httpProtocols
from ..responses import NOT_FOUND_RESPONSE_PKT
from ..websocket import WebsocketFrame, websocketOpcodes
from ...common.flag import flags
from ...common.types import Readables, Writables, Descriptors
from ...common.utils import text_, build_websocket_handshake_response
from ...common.constants import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    help='Default: False.  Whether to enable proxy.HttpWebServerPlugin.',

    help='Default: False.  Enable inbuilt static file server. '
    'Optionally, also use --static-server-dir to serve static content '
    'from custom directory.  By default, static file server serves '
    'out of installed python module folder.',

    help='Default: "public" folder in directory where is placed. '
    'This option is only applicable when static server is also enabled. '
    'See --enable-static-server.',

    help='Default: ' + str(DEFAULT_MIN_COMPRESSION_LENGTH) + ' bytes.  ' +
    'Sets the minimum length of a response that will be compressed (gzipped).',

    help='Default: False.  Whether to enable reverse proxy core.',

[docs]class HttpWebServerPlugin(HttpProtocolHandlerPlugin): """HttpProtocolHandler plugin which handles incoming requests to local web server.""" def __init__( self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.start_time: float = time.time() self.pipeline_request: Optional[HttpParser] = None self.switched_protocol: Optional[int] = None self.route: Optional[HttpWebServerBasePlugin] = None self.plugins: Dict[str, HttpWebServerBasePlugin] = {} self.routes: Dict[ int, Dict[Pattern[str], HttpWebServerBasePlugin], ] = { httpProtocolTypes.HTTP: {}, httpProtocolTypes.HTTPS: {}, httpProtocolTypes.WEBSOCKET: {}, } if b'HttpWebServerBasePlugin' in self.flags.plugins: self._initialize_web_plugins()
[docs] @staticmethod def protocols() -> List[int]: return [httpProtocols.WEB_SERVER]
[docs] def _initialize_web_plugins(self) -> None: for klass in self.flags.plugins[b'HttpWebServerBasePlugin']: instance: HttpWebServerBasePlugin = klass( self.uid, self.flags, self.client, self.event_queue, self.upstream_conn_pool, ) self.plugins[] = instance for (protocol, route) in instance.routes(): pattern = re.compile(route) self.routes[protocol][pattern] = self.plugins[]
[docs] def encryption_enabled(self) -> bool: return self.flags.keyfile is not None and \ self.flags.certfile is not None
[docs] def switch_to_websocket(self) -> None: self.client.queue( memoryview( build_websocket_handshake_response( WebsocketFrame.key_to_accept( self.request.header(b'Sec-WebSocket-Key'), ), ), ), ) self.switched_protocol = httpProtocolTypes.WEBSOCKET
[docs] def on_request_complete(self) -> Union[socket.socket, bool]: path = self.request.path or b'/' teardown = self._try_route(path) # Try route signaled to teardown # or if it did find a valid route if teardown or self.route is not None: return teardown # No-route found, try static serving if enabled if self.flags.enable_static_server: self._try_static_or_404(path) return True # Catch all unhandled web server requests, return 404 self.client.queue(NOT_FOUND_RESPONSE_PKT) return True
[docs] async def get_descriptors(self) -> Descriptors: r, w = [], [] for plugin in self.plugins.values(): r1, w1 = await plugin.get_descriptors() r.extend(r1) w.extend(w1) return r, w
[docs] async def write_to_descriptors(self, w: Writables) -> bool: for plugin in self.plugins.values(): teardown = await plugin.write_to_descriptors(w) if teardown: return True return False
[docs] async def read_from_descriptors(self, r: Readables) -> bool: for plugin in self.plugins.values(): teardown = await plugin.read_from_descriptors(r) if teardown: return True return False
[docs] def on_client_data(self, raw: memoryview) -> None: if self.switched_protocol == httpProtocolTypes.WEBSOCKET: # TODO(abhinavsingh): Do we really tobytes() here? # Websocket parser currently doesn't depend on internal # buffers, due to which it can directly parse out of # memory views. But how about large payloads scenarios? remaining = raw.tobytes() frame = WebsocketFrame() while remaining != b'': # TODO: Tear down if invalid protocol exception remaining = frame.parse(remaining) if frame.opcode == websocketOpcodes.CONNECTION_CLOSE: raise HttpProtocolException( 'Client sent connection close packet', ) else: assert self.route self.route.on_websocket_message(frame) frame.reset() return # If 1st valid request was completed and it's a HTTP/1.1 keep-alive # And only if we have a route, parse pipeline requests if self.request.is_complete and \ self.request.is_http_1_1_keep_alive and \ self.route is not None: if self.pipeline_request is None: self.pipeline_request = HttpParser( httpParserTypes.REQUEST_PARSER, ) self.pipeline_request.parse(raw) if self.pipeline_request.is_complete: self.route.handle_request(self.pipeline_request) if not self.pipeline_request.is_http_1_1_keep_alive: raise HttpProtocolException( 'Pipelined request is not keep-alive, will tear down request...', ) self.pipeline_request = None
[docs] def on_response_chunk(self, chunk: List[memoryview]) -> List[memoryview]: return chunk
[docs] def on_client_connection_close(self) -> None: context = { 'client_ip': None if not self.client.addr else self.client.addr[0], 'client_port': None if not self.client.addr else self.client.addr[1], 'connection_time_ms': '%.2f' % ((time.time() - self.start_time) * 1000), # Request 'request_method': text_(self.request.method), 'request_path': text_(self.request.path), 'request_bytes': self.request.total_size, 'request_ua': text_(self.request.header(b'user-agent')) if self.request.has_header(b'user-agent') else None, 'request_version': None if not self.request.version else text_(self.request.version), # Response # # TODO: Track and inject web server specific response attributes # Currently, plugins are allowed to queue raw bytes, because of # which we'll have to reparse the queued packets to deduce # several attributes required below. At least for code and # reason attributes. # # 'response_bytes': self.response.total_size, # 'response_code': text_(self.response.code), # 'response_reason': text_(self.response.reason), } log_handled = False if self.route: # May be merge on_client_connection_close and on_access_log??? # probably by simply deprecating on_client_connection_close in future. self.route.on_client_connection_close() ctx = self.route.on_access_log(context) if ctx is None: log_handled = True else: context = ctx if not log_handled: self.access_log(context)
[docs] def access_log(self, context: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
@property def _protocol(self) -> Tuple[bool, int]: do_ws_upgrade = self.request.is_connection_upgrade and \ self.request.header(b'upgrade').lower() == b'websocket' return do_ws_upgrade, httpProtocolTypes.WEBSOCKET \ if do_ws_upgrade \ else httpProtocolTypes.HTTPS \ if self.encryption_enabled() \ else httpProtocolTypes.HTTP
[docs] def _try_route(self, path: bytes) -> bool: do_ws_upgrade, protocol = self._protocol for route in self.routes[protocol]: if route.match(text_(path)): self.route = self.routes[protocol][route] assert self.route # Optionally, upgrade protocol if do_ws_upgrade: self.switch_to_websocket() assert self.route # Invoke plugin.on_websocket_open self.route.on_websocket_open() else: # Invoke plugin.handle_request self.route.handle_request(self.request) if self.request.has_header(b'connection') and \ self.request.header(b'connection').lower() == b'close': return True return False
[docs] def _try_static_or_404(self, path: bytes) -> None: path = text_(path).split('?', 1)[0] self.client.queue( HttpWebServerBasePlugin.serve_static_file( self.flags.static_server_dir + path, self.flags.min_compression_length, ), )